More information is available on the village website at:
The Parish Council convened at 7:30 pm on Monday, 17th February, with nine Councillors, twelve
members of the public and Borough Councillor Alistair Beales present.
Booking a visit to a Recycling centre
Anyone wishing to visit a recycling centre must now book in advance. Bookings can be made up to one
week ahead either online via the council's website or by phoning the customer service centre.
Slots are available every fifteen minutes and people can make a booking or cancel one right up until
the time of the booking. People will be asked to give the registration number of the vehicle they will
be using on the day. Business and trade waste customers will also be asked to provide their waste
carriers licence number.
People do not have to book if they only want to visit the Re-use Shop but if they also want to leave
waste in the same visit, then they need to book ahead.
Customers can find out more by picking up a leaflet at a recycling centre or at Or call 0344 800 8020.
Casual Vacancy
Following the departure of Mick Wingell, a vacancy has arisen on the Parish Council. The Local
Election Rules 2006 require the Casual Vacancy to be advertised on the Notice Board and Parish
Council Website for a period of 14 days. If within the 14 days of the date of the notice a request, in
writing, that an election should be held to fill the vacancy, signed by ten local government electors of
the Ward is given to the Proper Officer (BCKLWN), then an election will need to be held.
If no such request is received by the Proper Officer (BCKLWN), the Parish Council will take the
necessary steps to fill the vacancy by co-option.
Energy-Efficient Lighting
The Parish Council is looking to upgrade the remainder of village lighting to energy-efficient LED bulbs. This initiative will not only improve lighting quality but also significantly reduce electricity costs, helping to save money in the long run. If you have any questions or suggestions, please get in touch with the Parish Council.
Biodiversity Initiatives
The Parish Council has established a working group to conduct a biodiversity audit of its landholdings and develop a local nature action plan. This initiative aligns with the council's legal duty under the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006 to conserve biodiversity in its decision-making processes. The working group will assess current land management practices and propose strategies to enhance the natural environment within the parish.
Community Enhancements
The Parish Council has established working groups to explore options for enhancing our village's festive atmosphere and recreational facilities. This two groups are tasked with investigating a sustainable power source and a Christmas lighting display for 2025, as well as evaluating and potentially recommending new equipment for the play area. Their goal is to ensure that our community spaces are both enjoyable and environmentally friendly.
Updates on progress of the working parties will be shared in future newsletters.
Dog Waste Bins
The Parish Council has agreed to purchase two additional dog waste bins to help address the issue of dog fouling in our community. One bin will be installed on Abbey Road, and the other at the junction of Station Road and Weasenham Road. These new bins aim to provide convenient disposal points for dog waste, encouraging responsible pet ownership and keeping our public areas clean.
Devolution Consultation and Local Government Reform
Parish and Town Council’s have recently received information on Norfolk and Suffolk Devolution and Local Government Reorganisation (LGR) from the Leader of the Council, Cllr Alistair Beales and Kate Blakemore, Chief Executive.
The BCKLWN has created a dedicated area on the council’s website for devolution and LGR which will be kept updated with progress and information.
The Government is holding a public consultation on proposed devolution in Norfolk and Suffolk, specifically on the proposal to form a Strategic Authority headed by a mayor. For more information and to take part, please visit Norfolk and Suffolk Devolution Consultation - Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government - Citizen Space
The consultation runs until 13 April. This consultation is specifically about forming a Mayoral Strategic Authority to bring about devolution. Local Government Reorganisation for Norfolk and Suffolk authorities will be subject to a separate engagement process later in the year, once councils have made a submission to Government on how reorganisation could look.
Next Meeting and Contact Information
Our next Parish Council meeting is scheduled for Monday, 17th March, 2025 at 7:30 pm in the Village Hall. Residents are welcome to attend and have the opportunity to comment or ask questions during the public portion of the meeting.
**Please Note**: The Parish Council does not respond to posts on social media. We kindly ask that any comments, questions, or feedback be directed to the Clerk using the contact information below.
To contact the Clerk, Sarah Harvey you can telephone 01328 823391, email or write to Byanoak, Leicester Road, South Creake, NR21 9PW.
Parish Council Votes to Support Pub and Village Hall Parking Solutions
At the recent Parish Council meeting, members reviewed the results of the Parking Consultation,
which saw 113 parishioners respond—representing 14.3% of eligible residents. A proposal was put forward to assume that the remaining 85% (680 parishioners) were either uninterested or indifferent to the issue. On this basis, a vote was held on whether to pursue the most supported solutions from the consultation: to support and promote the existing parking allocations behind both the pub and the village hall. The proposal received seven votes in favor. The Parish Council will now move forward with this initiative in line with the consultation findings.
The consultation was made available to every household in the village via The Mallard and was also available to access online to complete. The consultation concluded on 31st October, 2024. Here is a summary of Consultation Results.
1. Should the Parish Council Take Action to Address/Manage Parking in the Centre of the Village?
• Yes – something should be done: 61.9%
• Maybe/not sure – I would like to know more about the options available.: 21.2%
• No – keep the current arrangements: 16.8%
2. Should There Be Restrictions on Parking on the Greens or Other Spaces in the Village?
• Yes: 58.4%
• No: 26.5%
• Maybe/not sure – I would like some further information: 15.0%
3. Support for Specific Parking Solutions
• Allow parking on the Greens in specific areas: 36.3%
• Allow parking on the green during specific times of the day/week: 4.4%
• Allow parking on the Greens and install matting and signage to support this – up to 20 spaces (at a cost): 7.1%
• Allow parking on the main Greens only for specific events: 23.9%
• Restrict or ban parking on the green in front of the Pub and install a low-level fence: 15.9%
• Restrict or ban parking on ALL Greens and install a low-level fence: 18.6%
• Restrict or ban parking on the MAIN Greens and install a low-level fence: 28.3%
• Create better parking solutions on the highway/local roads: 29.2%
• Support/promote the current parking allocation in the Village Hall: 77.0%
• Support/promote the current parking allocation behind the pub: 79.7%
The Mallard
The Council produces a monthly newsletter to go in The Mallard, with a brief update on activities and news.
If you have information you would like to include, please contact its editor, Sarah Harvey
You can find recent articles here:
Future of The Mallard
I am both delighted and honoured to introduce myself as the new editor of The Mallard. My name is Sarah Harvey (some of you will recognise my name as I am also Clerk to the Parish Council), and I am committed to continue to deliver the insightful, engaging content you've come to expect from this publication.
First and foremost, I must extend heartfelt thanks to Bev Randall, whose dedication and creativity over the last 18 years, have shaped this newsletter into the vital resource it is today. Her tireless efforts have set a high standard, and I am committed to honouring that legacy.
Although the Parish Council will be supporting me in my new role and the continued production of The Mallard (please see the PC article for further details), I would like to emphasise that it will very much remain a community newsletter. So please continue to send me all of your information, articles, notices, anything that will be of general interest to the local community, and I will do my very best to accommodate you all.
The Mallard will continue to be produced in the same format as it is now and will continue to be delivered monthly to your doors. However, please do note that there will be a change in contact details.
Please contact me in one of the following ways;
By Post: Byanoak, Leicester Road, South Creake, NR21 9PW
By Email:
By Phone: 01328 823391
I look forward to continuing to engage with the community of Great Massingham in my new role and receiving your contributions to produce this excellent newsletter.