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Many services in Great Massingham are provided by other councils and organisations. Details are provided here.

​​King’s Lynn & West Norfolk Borough Council

If you want to report Fly Tipping, Litter Problems, Street Sweeping, Graffiti etc. please call: 0500 253 2687 or email:

If you want to report:

Abandoned Cars: 01553 616335

Bulky Item Collection: 01553 776676

Dog Waste Bins / Fouling: 01553 616200

Fly-Tipping / Litter Problems: 0500 253 2687

Graffiti: 0500 253 2687

Street Lighting: 0845 6018269

Street Name Plates: 0500 253 2687

Street Sweeping: 0500 253 2687

Refuse Problems: 01553 776676

Street Furniture: 0500 0253 2687

or email:

For Highways problems use:,0.66418/2


Accident and Emergency Services

The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Gayton Road, Kings Lynn, Norfolk, PE30 4ET

Call: 01553 613613 or visit:



New Number Launched to Report Flooding in Norfolk – June 2021

A new single point of contact for flooding in Norfolk has been launched, allowing residents to report any sort of flooding quickly and efficiently.

In the event of flooding, residents can call 0344 800 8013 to report it.

Alternatively, residents can continue to report flooding online via​

Where there is a potential risk to life from flooding people should still call 999 immediately.​


Norfolk County Council Trading Standards

For the latest consumer alerts on Scams and News:​



Non-Emergencies: 101
Emergencies: 999
Crimestoppers: 0800 555111

To report something, see:


Village Hall


Great Massingham Village Hall is a vital village amenity. It has excellent facilities that are regularly used by The Parish Council, the Coronation Club, the Trefoil Guild, the famous Sunday Auction, Community Lunches, Film Night, The Bowls Club, The Tennis and MultiSports Club, Move It or Lose It, The Historical Society, Community Cars, St Mary’s Church, The Snooker and Billiards Club, The School, Quiz Night, Craft and Chat as well as for dances, amateur dramatic productions and numerous one-off events such as wedding breakfasts, birthday parties and funeral wakes.


The Hall is managed by trustees as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation or CIO, which is a type of recent legal format for a registered charity.  The group of  Trustees are charged with overseeing and directing the Village Hall for the benefit of the people of Great Massingham and neighbouring villages.

Great Massingham Village Hall
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